Raglan Housing Survey – a good response so far

August 16, 2018

Survey forms have been flowing into the collection boxes with the WRAP team needing to replace already full boxes at the Library and the Raglan Community House last week only a few days after the survey was circulated.

Lisa Thomson our ward counsellor and member of the WRAP steering group hosted a WRAP stall at the Raglan Community Market on Sunday so market goers could have a chance to chat about the housing survey and housing issues in general.  Cr Thomson said that the response was very positive with people keen to see affordable housing as a top priority for a community solution. It was a great opportunity for those attending to have a chance to korero about the survey and what the objectives for the research are.

WRAP have received a bit of feedback that for some people supplying name and full address details on the survey has made them feel uncomfortable about completing it. In response the WRAP steering group have decided to remove the name field and alter the address field to street name and area code fields then reproduce the forms so that anyone who hasn’t completed the survey yet can use an updated version.

Entering a street name only will identify the survey as coming from the Raglan ward area which will make the data more robust than it would be without any identifying details.  Existing forms can still be used by leaving the name field blank and only entering street name in the address field. New forms will be printed in next week’s Chronicle and made available along with an online version via the Raglan Notice Board Facebook page.

Forms already completed with those details will have name and street number details stripped out by the data entry team and not entered into the database. All original forms will be destroyed once the survey data is entered.

For those who have completed the form and provided name and address details, be reassured that your forms are secure. Full drop-off boxes have been collected, sealed and are stored in a locked space at the Raglan Community House until the close of the survey.

If anyone has questions about the survey or wants to discuss the project, get in touch with Fiona McNabb, who is the WRAP project lead, at fiona@solotec.co.nz or Mike Rarere, manager of the Raglan Community House, at info@raglanhouse.co.nz.

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