The Raglan House: Feel at home

November 5, 2015

The Raglan House is delighted to be part of the new Health and Wellbeing page in the Chronicle and we congratulate the Chronicle on bringing together those involved in the health and wellbeing in our community – how awesome to have this information all in one place!

The Raglan House offers a number of services for all in our community. Our services are strictly confidential and records are kept under lock and key. Tony Agar runs our free Budget Service. We all know how hard it can be sometimes to keep track of our money and where it is going (it seems to disappear much faster than it comes in!). Tony can help create a budget in which you set your financial goal/s (whether it is to have a holiday, save for a deposit on a home, clear outstanding debt) and then help you keep track to achieve that goal.

We have also several Counselling services available – two contracted Counsellors who provide low/no cost counselling; a Drug and Alcohol counsellor and a Rape and Sexual Abuse Counsellor – both available one day a week. A Social Worker from Link House in Hamilton works from The House on Wednesdays during term time to help single parent families access the help and services they might need.

We are undertaking Alcohol Action in our community with a particular focus in coming months on the risks of drinking alcohol while pregnant. Foetal Alcohol Syndrome is an increasing concern nationally. We will also be working to raise awareness of the dangers of supplying alcohol to those under the age of 18years and actively promoting the “Don’t Drink and Drive” message.
The role of The Raglan House is to “identify and anticipate community needs and to facilitate responses to them”. We have a wide network of other providers who can also help and support.

Please come into the House anytime you are passing and say “hello”, have a cup of tea or coffee and check out what is on offer – we would love to see you.

Call us on 07 825 8142 or email

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