November Community Board Meeting

November 17, 2016

New Chairman

Bob MacLeod has been elected as chairperson of the Raglan Community Board.

The triennial meeting of the new board was held on Tuesday last week, with Gabrielle Parson appointed as deputy chairperson. Waikato District Mayor Allan Sanson, who attended the meeting, told the board members to use their time wisely. “I am challenging community boards to sit down and workshop among yourself to identify the projects you would like to focus on.” He advised them to stop looking at the cracks in the pavement and to get up in a helicopter to look at what the community wanted: “Take the tittle-tattle away from meetings and focus on what you want to deal with.”


Traffic management needed during silly season

The Raglan Community Board has requested roading management at the one-way bridge during the busy holiday period.

Raglan ward councillor Lisa Thomson said there was need of a forward plan after traffic was backed up on both sides of the bridge during Labour Weekend. She suggested a stop-go service to help with congestion because the use of temporary traffic lights, which worked on a timer, hadn’t worked well in the past. Chairman Bob MacLeod agreed: “There were lights, then they got thrown over the bridge; and they got some other ones and they got thrown over the bridge, too.”


New handrails at wharf

Rotting handrails at the Raglan Wharf will be replaced due to health and safety reasons.

The Waikato District Council said it had a limited budget so it would simply replace the handrails with like for like in order to “alleviate health and safety concerns and ensure building compliance”. Only the handrails on the section of wharf above the pontoon will be replaced because “a fall off the wharf in any other area would result in a person landing in the water”. Repairs will also be made to the handrails of Dolphin Pier to bring it up to compliance. The works are expected to take place in the next few weeks and should not impact on users of the wharf.


Community groups approved funding

The Raglan Community Board last week approved applications of funding to four community groups.

The Raglan Mountainbiking Club has been given $787.75 to pay for the printing of 2500 Wainui Reserve track maps; Whaingaroa Environment Centre has been given $5074.54 towards the cost of the Plastic Free Raglan Project; The Raglan Lions Club has been given $1775 for prize money for its annual New Year’s Eve Parade; and the Raglan Community Arts Council has been approved $10,000 towards the cost of building a new creative space/clay shed.


Raglan Naturally update

Rangi Kereopa has been elected as the Raglan Community Board representative on the Raglan Naturally steering group.

Raglan Naturally is a community plan to give residents a collective voice regarding the development of the town. An interim steering group comprises of Tim Duff, Deb King, Tony Mayow, Kelly Murphy, Steve Soanes and Meredith Youngson. The role of the interim steering group is to provide the community with a consultation draft in February 2017, and then residents will be able to register their interest in joining the steering group. It is envisioned that the steering group will from time to time need the expertise of Waikato District Council staff – policy planners and economic development managers – to ensure the community’s goals and aspirations are achievable and align with documents such as the District Plan and Long Term Plan.

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