Raglan Community Board Update October

November 13, 2020

A regular column keeping the community updated about the Raglan Community Board meetings held every six weeks.

Public Forum

The meeting opened with a packed community seating section, the majority of who were at the meeting in support of the disability parking location at the bottom end of Bow Street discussion. In the public forum section five members of the community made a passionate case for the disabled park to be retained on the footpath side of the carparking area. It was also raised about the need for a disabled parking spot near to the Papahua boat ramp. Community Board member Chris Rayner also shared with the board his experience with a disabled family member and how important disabled parking is to enable easier outings. Gareth Bellamy, Traffic Engineer from the council was also on hand to discuss the recent repaving of the carpark with the associated parking repainting. We also had an introduction to the Raglan Rock project to potentially conduct activities on the Te Akau side of the harbour. Closing out the public forum an issue with commercial operations at the Ngaranui Beach Reserve was raised now that there was no Reserves Committee to take it to.

Reserves Committee and Reserves Management Plan

Moving into the official portion of the board meeting there was a apology from the Mayor and the council staff for the lack of notification for the Reserves Committee disestablishment but they did go on to acknowledge the past 20 years of work done by the committee. Moving forward it is critical that the community use the current consultation of the draft Reserves Management Plan to clearly tell the council how we want to access and use our beautiful reserves and coastlines, you can also mention if you support the need for a Reserves Committee going forward. Please access the consultation on the council website.

Alcohol Bylaw Review

Councillor Lisa then shared with the board the results of the Alcohol Bylaw review. Thanks to all who took the time to write a submission as they do count. Going forward Raglan CBD and the area including the pump track and skate bowl at Papahua will be alcohol free all year round and the majority of the Raglan area will be alcohol free during the summer holiday period, outside of this period the reserves including Wainui and Manu bay will be alcohol free from 9PM till 9AM.

Disabled Carpark

During the works and issues section of the meeting, board member Chris Rayner, tabled a motion that directed the council to reinstall the disabled carpark at the bottom end of Bow St back to the footpath. This motion acknowledged that an additional standard carpark might have to be removed to allow for full legal sized disabled carpark to be installed, the motion passed unanimously.

Freedom Camping

An update on Freedom camping as we are already seeing continued freedom campers arriving in Raglan even with the international borders closed. To this end the council freedom camping rangers are already out in the early hours of the morning monitoring the freedom camping bylaw compliance. We are also linking in with the Raglan Information hub as a way to educate and inform Freedom Campers. On a side note we are still looking for volunteers to staff the desk at the information hub.

Member Reports and Other Updates

Closing out the meeting were reports from the Chair, the Councillor and board members highlighting the significant amount of activity happening in Raglan with stormwater consent committee meeting for the first time in a year.  Ongoing work on the Wharf an Places for People projects as well as the waste water consent renewal. Coming up is the State Highway 23 speed reduction consultation on the 11th of November 2pm till 7pm at the supper room and the ongoing Reserves Management Plan consultation which closes on the 7th of December please get your submissions in.

Update from Tony Oosten

Visit http://www.raglancommunityboard.co.nz:

to read the minutes of the meeting and updates on Raglan Wharf and Places for People projects

find links to current consultations

for board member contact details

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