A message from the chamber

June 13, 2022

We have probably all seen the news coverage of ram raids and burglaries carried out on businesses recently. It is not something that is just happening in larger centres – we are now seeing it in Raglan. Our local police recently ended up having to guard a Raglan store front for three hours until the morning shift arrived because the only key holder contact on file was overseas.  

While this is an incredible and much appreciated effort from our officers, it is not the best use of their time. Please contact the Raglan Police office and update your emergency contacts now. This will help them solve any after hours issues more efficiently and help you in keeping your business safe. Email andrew.murphy@police.govt.nz  with Subject Line ‘Key Holder Contact Update’.  

Damage and losses to your premises caused by burglary or theft can leave you feeling vulnerable and suffering a huge financial burden. Your business is your livelihood and therefore ensuring your premises are protected can save you time and money in the long run. Have a look at these tips to keep your business safe: 

1. Keep your staff vigilant of any suspicious behaviour – Encourage your staff to discuss their concerns regarding the security of your premises and explain the importance of keeping an eye out for any suspicious behaviour of people or vehicles in and around your premises.

2. Build yourself a safer community – Reach out to your local crime prevention officers and neighbours. They may know of any previous criminal activities that have occurred in the area so you can take steps to maximise security for your premises. Getting to know your neighbours can ensure a safer community for all.

3. Real time notification of potential intrusion – Investing in remote monitoring means you know what’s happening to your business even when you’re not there. Once an intruder is detected, the Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) will contact and notify your nominated key holder or the appropriate emergency service.

4. Double-check Basic Business Protocols – Make sure authorised employees know how to use your business security systems, and are aware of the proper protocol for arming and disarming. Failure to arm or properly use your security systems can leave your business vulnerable.

5. Keep Cash And Valuables In A Secure Location – If your business keeps cash on hand overnight, or has high-value inventory of any kind, make sure these assets are securely stored. Small items can be placed in a commercial-grade safe bolted in place. For high-value inventory items, consider added layers of protection with additional access control partitions and locked doors.

6. Protect Your Premises With A Monitored Security System – Installing a security system is one of the best things you can do to protect your business. Making sure your business is monitored 24 hours a day is essential in achieving the highest level of protection. A monitored system increases your chances to interrupt and apprehend perpetrators.

7. Be Smart With Video Surveillance – Cameras do not need to be expensive these days, with wireless systems that can alert you of untoward movement.  Make sure your video surveillance system adequately covers every part of your facility. Pay particular attention to entrances and exits as well as other sensitive areas of your organization. Make sure you put signage up as a deterrent. 

8. Upgrade your first line of defence – The installation or upgrading of the security gates, bollards or fencing around your premises acts as a significant deterrent against intruders – and may even lower your annual insurance bill.

9. Maintain A Closed-Door Policy – Back doors and gates left open or unattended can be an invitation for potential criminals. Open doors could also allow would-be burglars to identify viable targets inside your facility, and analyse your layout. Have a closed-door policy in place, especially for unattended areas in high traffic locations.

10. Check And Lock All Doors And Windows – Burglars look for easy access. An unlocked door or window can be all it takes to set their criminal activities in motion. Make sure all doors and windows are secure and protected. Consider adding intrusion detection sensors in addition to locks.

Lisa James, Vice-Chair, Raglan Business Chamber Board 

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