A message from the chamber

August 15, 2022

The chamber was delighted to host one of our first public events in a while on 21 July. We made this event open to members of the public as well, as we thought there was such an opportunity for all local businesses to benefit from it. 

Hayley Willers and Jaime Lomas from DTI Lawyers presented. Our members will recognise their names as Hayley and Jaime have presented several sessions via Zoom through the challenging times of Covid Lockdowns – these sessions were invaluable when it came to the Public Health Act requirements around My Vaccine Pass and how employers and employees could navigate the ever-changing levels/traffic lights and rules we were required to follow. 

In this recent presentation we asked people to send any questions through so that Hayley and Jaime could cover off points that were relevant to attendees. Through this we covered a wide range of topics, which was useful information for all attendees. 

Hayley is a Director in DTI’s Commercial and Property Team specialising in private and commercial property transaction, property development, and relationship property matters. She has been practising since 2006 and has extensive experience dealing in a wide range of commercial and private client matters. 

Hayley has a pragmatic approach to all matters and applies her experience and skills to achieve great results for her clients; you could see this in her comments around Shareholders Agreements and constitutions – it turns out a few of us aren’t quite using the parameters correctly!

We also covered leases – a pertinent topic of conversation after the Covid shutdowns and the impact on tenants and landlords in this changing market. 

Attendees had also asked about Asset Protection in the case of relationship breakdowns, and Hayley covered off some very clear points for us to take home. 

Jaime is a Director, Employment Law. She has significant dispute resolution experience. She takes a pragmatic and practical approach to achieve commercial and workable solutions for her clients. She is committed to understanding the issues her clients face and the impact on their businesses or on them personally.

Her experience in employment and resource management law provides her with a range of skills and a well-rounded perspective to advise on both practical and technical issues. She pursues the prompt resolution of disputes through direct negotiation and mediation.

The questions put to Jaime covered the differences between an employee versus contractor, and the difference between a performance process and a disciplinary process. Attendees also wanted to know about updating employment agreements and developing and updating workplace policies which are used to make expected behaviour in the workplace clear.  

I want to thank Jaime and Hayley for their time – their support for members during the year has been substantial; they have both invested several hours in helping members and responding to members’ queries through zoom. They follow up where needed and it has been invaluable support in an ever-changing landscape.  

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