Candidate Interviews: Ra Puriri – Mayor and Whāingaroa Ward Councillor

September 16, 2022

My name is Ra Puriri. I live in Raglan. 

I don’t make any promises because they always turn into political word salad. Political promises are competitive by nature. Whoever makes the boldest and most promises usually wins. 

I will commit to principles, values, processes and strategies that lead to better outcomes for everyone: 

To more community initiated action or “CIA.” 

That leads to veto power for community boards. 

To annual funding to support the essential mahi of every Community House. 

That leads to a staff mindset that treats ratepayer funds as if the money came out of their own back pockets. 

To the appointment of an independent services, efficiency, innovation and performance auditor. 

To remind staff by my example, that we are servants of the people and not special interests. 

To increasing levels of transparency and adoption of the “show me” principle. 

I will be tough on the issues and soft on the people. 

That leads to zero sewage effluent being pumped into our rivers, lakes and ocean. 

To actions that respect the spirit of the Treaty of Waitangi and not just the letter of the law. 

To closing the Raglan Airfield to planes. 

That leads to the resolution of simple problems such as blocked storm water drains, in three weeks versus three years. 

Most bureaucracies major in mediocrity. Instead of promises I choose the pursuit of excellence grounded in the pursuit of perpetual learning, innovation and change. (Read a book called “Getting to Yes.”) 

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