Nature and art combine for biennial garden ramble

November 14, 2022

The wonders of nature and art combine in this year’s Raglan Horticultural Society’s biennial garden ramble on Saturday, November 19 from 10am-4pm.

Open to the public, the society president Geoff Pownall says it’s a perfect opportunity to get more than a peek over the garden wall of some of the top gardens in Whaingaroa.

A successful addition to the last ramble in 2020 continues with five of the gardens featuring local artists work set amongst the flora.

With artist Loesje de Bree at the Lye’s garden on Bow St, Dyana Wells art set amongst the Moore’s Puriri St garden, Helma van der Pasch and Catherine Houston’s creations at the Hibberd’s Waikowhai Pl patch, photographer Richard Gemmell at the Kendall’s Greenslade plot and Julie Macdonald’s works at the Malpas Greenslade patch.

Each garden has its own distinct theme; from rocks and more rocks at Margaret Hayes rockery in Te Mata, and a children’s quiz at Bruce and Sharon Coull’s hillside terraces on Te Hutewai, Pauline Abrahams’ quirky garden creations at Uenuku Ave and the Vazey’s surprising garden at Greenslade.

“There’s something for everyone, with gardeners sharing their knowledge as well as sharing their beautiful gardens,” Geoff says.

With many old favourites back and some new ones in the mix, some of the gardeners are collecting a koha, which they will donate to a charity of their choice. 

Geoff and wife Lis are having a plant sale and offering afternoon teas from 1.30pm at their cottage garden on Nihinihi.

“The Garden Ramble shows off such a variety of gardens, from large open areas to hidden secret spots full of colour,” Geoff says.

Nearly 120 years old, the Raglan Horticultural Society has a long history of garden rambling, flower and vegetable competitions and various displays.

Geoff says new members are welcome to join them on the third Tuesday of the month at 1pm at the Stewart St Church Hall, where there are guest speakers and a sharing of what’s vibing in the garden.

Pick up your Garden Ramble guide at the Raglan Library, I-site, Raglan Community House, local shops and on the Raglan Horticultural Society facebook page.

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