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Surf Into Summer - page 2

Surf Into Summer: Butch Walters

When we first set out to publish the Surf column, we thought we’d highlight the who’s who of surfing in Raglan right now. But we realised that you really cannot talk about the present without understanding the past.

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Surf Into Summer: The Originals

Raglan has a rich local history of surfing. From soulful characters to defining moments, we hope to highlight and uncover a big part of Raglan’s surfing history that some may not know about. Over the next few columns we’ll be introducing The Originals, a crew who have been surfing the points since the late 50’s. Keep Reading

Surf Into Summer: The Left-Hand Break

When The Endless Summer was released in 1966, it highlighted the seemingly endless left-hand break at Manu Bay and landed Raglan on surfing maps around the world.

Over the years Raglan has experienced visitors amass–some only come in during the swell while others who have come in for a few days are still around five (or twenty five) years later. Keep Reading

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