Affordable housing – what does that mean for you?

If you need affordable housing, or have any ideas about what you think we could incorporate into an affordable housing project for Whaingaroa, come along to the Town Hall on Sunday the 3rd of November and make sure your views are heard.

The WRAP team – our local Whaingaroa Raglan Affordable Housing Project – have put together a set of 5, one hour, themed panel discussions so we can collect as much input from the community as possible.

With funding and support from the WEL Energy Trust Vital Impact funds, Waikato District Council, the local community Board, Raglan Business Chamber and the Raglan Community House, WRAP have been working towards a plan for housing solutions in Raglan for the past 2 years.

Rising house and land prices, a reduction in available rental properties and rising costs of rent have seen people on low to medium level incomes struggle in the current environment.

Government policy has a strong focus on housing; the region has formed a strong advocacy and leadership group, the Waikato Region Housing Initiative, representing more than 30 organisations with an interest in providing housing across the spectrum of need. WRAP has been represented on that committee since its inauguration and has strong support in principle for the idea of progressing an affordable housing solution in Raglan.

So come along, tell us what you think. We will collect ideas from the audience throughout the panel discussions. If you don’t have time to stay for long, just pop in and jot down your thoughts on the post-it boards around the main hall; if you’ve got some time, settle in for the day or just select from any of the discussions – hear the views of our locals, their hopes and experiences and technical experts, local and regional, on all aspects of affordable housing development – then let’s put all this together and pitch our story to those who can help us build something.

Any questions, please call Fiona McNabb, WRAP project Lead on 027 688 9754.



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