Respite care at Raglan Rest Home and Hospital

Raglan Rest Home and Hospital offers a wide range of services, today we look at short-term stays.

There are many reasons someone may require short-term care, these include:

An acute illness that means they cannot continue to look after themselves or be cared for by family but are not so unwell that they require admission to an acute facility such as Waikato Hospital.

Recovery following surgery or an accident which can not be cared for at home – this may be due to family being too busy or not having the skills or energy to manage safely at home. Sometimes these patients come to stay while they are unable to stand after surgery or an accident and come for a period of recovery before returning to Waikato Hospital for rehabilitation treatment.

Carer support care is when someone comes to stay so their primary carer can have a break – or maybe both people need a break! People of all ages with a disability requiring care utilise this service.

Respite care is more often used if someone is living alone and requires some extra support due to an acute event or a break/rest for a short period of time.

Everyone who stays at Raglan Rest Home and Hospital receive the same individualised care where services are adapted to meet the individuals need. All rooms are single occupancy and have a room to the outside – so fresh air and sunshine (hopefully!). Meals are adapted to meet individual needs be this high protein, vegetarian, altered texture or just a fussy eater.

Short-term residents are encouraged to participate in all activities offered as desired. Outside services such as GPs, specialists, physio etc are offered on site.

Referrals for care can come from many different sources – self-referral, family, GP, Waikato Hospital, Social Workers, Age Concern, District Nurses etc.

The funding in an aged care facility in New Zealand is one of the most complicated things to explain to anyone who is looking for services, let alone, those of us working in the environment.

There are different “purse holders” who can fund services, some of these require a means test to qualify for subsidised care others are not means tested. Services can be fully funded, partially funded or need to be self-funded.

If you, a family member or a friend are interested in finding out more about the services offered by Raglan Rest Home and Hospital please feel free to call in and see us or phone for a chat.

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