Junior sports update at Level One

June 18, 2020

Raglan Football Club:

The 2020 football season got off to a very uncertain and disrupted start due to the Covid19 pandemic which brought the country to halt, and to be honest, 8 weeks ago, we doubted whether we would be having a football season at all.

Our biggest challenge has been not knowing what the season would look like with the changing requirements that were placed on us in order to resume playing, such as contact tracing, social distancing, hygiene and sanitising. Having to cancel our Team Briefing day due to Covid, really highlighted how critical that day is for us so that when teams are named they have a chance to meet and greet, exchange contacts, find coaches and managers and the committee can answer any questions face to face.

The shortened season started last Saturday, and it was nice to finally see the fields at Papahua full of kids competing in their first game.

At this stage we will have our final game on August 29, as per original schedule, with the possibility of WaiBop extending the season by a few games beyond that date if possible.

This year we have had a big number of new players join our First Kicks program (5th and 6th grade) which is based around having fun and participation while learning basic skills and hopefully keeps them coming back to the sport in years to come.

215 kids spread over 25 teams have registered with the Club and with a further 2 teams playing for Raglan Area School, we will be assured that Papahua will be full of kids enjoying sport over these winter months.

We would like to thank all of our football families for your patience and support over what has been a difficult and challenging time and we wish every player an enjoyable and successful season ahead.

Thank you

Raglan Football Club

Raglan Junior Rugby Club

We’re very excited to be finally getting a season at Raglan Junior Rugby Club.

With Rugby being a contact sport it was uncertain whether the season could continue under the Covid-19 social distancing guidelines.

But on June 2, at 4pm, there were 100 + very excited RJRC kids running around playing our favourite sport.

Thankfully we only had to deal with one week of contact tracing and the rest of the Covid-19 protocols, the club community was great in banding together and making this simple though.

Our season will officially kick off on Saturday 25th July and run for 10 consecutive weeks. We are trying to also arrange some curtain raisers for the senior rugby which we will let the community know about.

All and all we can’t wait for the season to officially kick off and wear our club colours with pride.

Rach Hudson

RJRC President

Raglan Netball Club

Teenaa koutou te hapori oo Whaingaroa.

A big thank you to all of our past and current members, and all of our past and current sponsors! With whom we would not be who we are today!

It is with regret that we wish to inform you that Raglan Netball Club Inc. will not be participating in our usual competition in Hamilton this year. It was not a decision that we made lightly in the face of the many Covid-19 restrictions. As a committee we did not feel we were equipped enough to proceed with the season, keeping the safety of all club members as paramount.

With that being said, we are looking to the future and what netball we are able to provide our community, by keeping it local! We are looking at our usual Twilight season in term 4, which will be held on Thursday evenings. We are hoping to cater for school children and adults. We also want to hold a family fun day in term 3. This day will include netball, fun and food for the whole family! When we have a date we will let the community know!

For any enquiries please email us at raglannetballinc@gmail.com

or look for us on Facebook, Raglan Netball Club Inc

Ngaa mihi maioha ki a koutou katoa Raglan Netball Club Inc committee 2020

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