Barry Rogerson of B Rex Photo Design chats to the Chronicle about the art of framing.

SUPPORT LOCAL: An occasional post-covid column featuring the faces behind local businesses in our community.

July 23, 2020

This week we spoke to Barry Rogerson from B.Rex  Photo Design

When and why did you start B Rex photo design? 

I started B.rex Photo Design around 20 years ago as a small business resulting from working for Pete Coddington at Heart & Soul in Hamilton. I started supplying his store with small prints framed with recycled timber, then framed some of local Raglan artist Ken Thomas’s artworks and basically it grew from there.

What came first – photography or framing?

Photography came first as I developed an interest and inspiration through surfing magazine photos and spending time with Raglan photographer Jwan Milek in the 70’s.

How did you learn the art of framing?

I am basically self taught and learnt the craft of picture framing by default and trial and error.

What do you most like to photograph?

I mostly like to photograph seascapes & landscapes, trying to find interesting angles, different viewpoints and moods.

What do you enjoy most about your business?

I really enjoy being in business in my hometown, especially meeting people and being able to offer a service framing their various works of art & items that are special to them.

What are the challenges you face?

I don’t seem to have too many challenges facing me at the moment.  I have had issues with supply of raw materials but that has improved significantly in the last few weeks. I have a steady flow of work coming in and retail sales have been steady since the end of lockdown.

How did you cope with lockdown on a personal and business level?

Lockdown turned out to be ok on a personal level, as it gave me a much needed break and Raglan was a great place to be. On a business level I was lucky to have a small backlog of work and was grateful to have some government assistance to get through.

What business plans do you have for the coming months?

For the coming months I don’t have too much planned, just hoping things continue as they are and my website continues to grow a bigger customer base. I am looking forward to summer though.

What services do you offer?

The services I offer are; General framing of photographs, artworks, certificates etc.  as well as frame and glass repairs. I can also offer photo printing, some touch up and printing of old photos and I retail sales of my photos, framed and in print form of various sizes.

How do people contact you?

People can contact me by phone/txt at 0210410374. Email and through my website at

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