Junior Surf Life Saving muster 2021

October 30, 2021

Despite the challenges of Covid-19 and being in level 3, Raglan Surf Lifesaving Club is gearing up for another fun, challenging and inspiring season of Junior Surf.

Once Raglan is back at level 2 the Junior Surf season will start and the Club is taking registrations right now for members aged 7-14. There are many benefits to participating in Junior Surf. Our members learn about surf safety, reading conditions and managing themselves in our West Coast environment. If they can handle a beach such as Raglan, they are capable in most conditions around New Zealand. There are opportunities to compete in regional and national events for those who have a passion for competition and for those who are more laid back, a great chance to make new friends in shared, fun activities. Obviously for those who wish to give back to the community, they can continue on the Lifeguard pathway and have the opportunity to patrol our beaches and potentially take on paid lifeguard roles in the future.

There are multiple exciting opportunities during the course of the year including competition events on the beach and in the pool, the Raglan raft race, attending the Anzac parade and having a float in the New Year’s Eve parade. Members have access to the club facilities and at the appropriate covid levels we have overnight stays for the kids to get a unique experience with movies, fun and games.

The Junior Surf programme works through a framework to allow students to progress both within the season and over the years with the ultimate goal of being Surf Lifeguards themselves. Once you reach 12 years old, you can join the Rookies programme which fine tunes your Lifeguard skills, allows you to spend time on patrol and prepares you for your Surf lifesaving award. You will also have the opportunity to take part in the annual Northern Region Rookie challenge.

Junior Surf has an amazing team of coaches, all who are qualified lifeguards and early in January 2022 our tadpoles (5-7 group) will commence with a mix of lifeguard and parent instructors.

We also offer the opportunity to upgrade parents in different skills to support their kids, including coaching, officialing and lifeguarding skills. Families are actively encouraged to participate and to support the children both in the sea and on the beach.

The club always welcomes new members and as part of Junior Surf, families become club members. If you have always wondered what the view looks like from the clubrooms, here’s your opportunity!

We are hoping for the first session at the beach to be on November 7th at the Raglan Surf club, Ngaranui beach, if we are at level 2. New members can sign up at https://webportal.surflifesaving.org.nz/new-membership.

Any enquiries give us an email: Travis juniorsurf@raglansurflifesaving.org.nz

Raglan Surf Club provides free training for people aged 14 and over who are keen to train as lifeguards and to commit to patrolling on the beach over the summer season. This runs from Labour weekend until Easter and lifeguards generally patrol for 1 weekend per month. Lifeguarding is an excellent opportunity to gain new skills, meet new people, have fun, get fit and give something really important back to the community. There are even opportunities to get paid over the peak season if you reach minimum requirements at interviews.

Pre-requisites for being able to register for the training are:

Age 14 and over

Ability to swim 400m in under 9 minutes

Confidence in ocean swimming and waves

Strong commitment to being a lifeguard

For more information contact: Mollie Abrams

Email: chiefinstructor@raglansurflifesaving.org.nz

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