L-R Jancie Hohnstone, Morrinsville, Diane Lawson Bereescourt. Ragaln Phamacy rep Bernice Richards and Brenda Waters

Mischievious moments at bowls

February 28, 2019

On Thursday, February 2,  42 magnificent, mysterious maidens (most of us now ex-maidens) met at the metropolis of Raglan to match the might of many mates who mingled to attain the mighty title of Best Dressed at our annual Ladies Themed Day tournament. Obviously, the theme was the letter M.

The weather was overcast and somewhat muggy but that didn’t matter to we maidens, at least we didn’t get sunburnt. Our greenkeeping team had worked well to have our grass green playable for this day, to allow us to play good competitive bowls and move majestically to the melodious music.

Members joined us from Huntly, Taupiri, Bereescourt, Frankton Junction, Hamilton Cossie Club, Te Kuiti, Cambridge Central, Morrinsville, Te Awamutu, Kihikihi and our lovely Raglan  ladies. Their imaginary minds managed a mix-up of characters and modelled them all day. Characters such as: Maid, Multi, Marketer, Marshall, Map, Me, Mouse Catcher, Mexican, Marathon Runner, Matting Lady, Musician, Margaret, Maori, Mamma Mia, Magician, Maud, Master Bowler, Minister, Music, Matron and Man.

The winner of the best dressed outfit was Christine Finlay from Morrinsville as the ‘Mouse Catcher’. Fancy having the foresight to expect that there would be some ‘mice’ around to catch ! Second was Pat Liddle from Hamilton Cossie Club as a ’Magician’. Highly commended were Yanny Split form Taupiri as  ‘Music’, Merle Wyllie from Te Awamutu as ‘Matron’ and Rosalie Hart from  Frankton Junction as ‘Minnie Mouse’. The six  Minnie Mouses were on the lookout for Micky Mouse but he didn’t show!!

Moving to the bowling side of the day, The maidens were mixed into teams of Triples  without having a member of their own club in the same team. The overall winning team was Diane Lawson, Bereescourt, Janice Johnstone from Morrinsville and Brenda Waters , Raglan, with three wins + 27 points. Second were, Navenka Drnasin from Te Awamutu, Ollie Driscoll from Cambridge Central, and Judy Swetman, from Hamilton Cossie Club with 3 wins and + 26 points. In third place were Maureen  (Maws)  Wahanga from Raglan, Ski McLeish from Te Awamutu and Beryl Jamieson-Corbett from Frankton Junction, with  two and a hlf wins. Congratulations all.

Mention must be made of our mighty sponsors, Raglan Pharmacy, who have so generously supported us over the years. Bernice Richards was their reprentative who presented the prizes.  This year we were joined by Angela Massey, our Nutrimetics lady and we look forward to another great year. Thank you so much

We mustn’t forget our Masterchef Men and Lady in the kitchen, who managed the menu magically and meaningfully to make us content to wind up the day and  head home. Next year’s theme letter was drawn from the pack and it is the letter N. The mind boggles.

Eileen Stephens

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