Warm up your tastebuds with tasty soup at The Souper Bowl

May 30, 2019

Take the hassle out of cooking on Tuesday nights for the month of June and head to the Raglan Town Hall supper room for warm soup and bread at The Souper Bowl.

And it’s all for a good cause to raise money to help with the shortfall required to complete the Creative Space build at the Old School Arts Centre.

Souper Bowl cooks Sarah Bing and Sarah Lancaster both former clay shed members say the community clay shed, which will take up part of the downstairs at the Creative Space, was a great place for them to make new friends and at the same time get creative.

“The clay shed was one of the first things I joined when I moved here and I made some of my first friends there. Having a creative community space is important for mental health and wellbeing,” Sarah Lancaster says.

“The clay shed was especially helpful for me when we first moved here and I was a first-time mother.  It was great to go down to the clay shed and be alone, create and have some space,” Sarah Bing says.

The pair will be in the soup kitchen with fellow clay shed friends Michaela Latimer, Belinda Thomas and clay shed coordinator Susanne Giessen-Prinz.

They kick off in the kitchen on Tuesday, June 4 at 5.30pm with a choko, sweet potato and lime, a Thai pumpkin and a mystery meaty soup all accompanied with a crispy bread roll – there will be vegan and gluten-free options each week.

It is a zero-waste kitchen and people are encouraged to bring their own containers for takeaways.

Sarah Bing will have a selection of her colourful handcrafted ceramic bowls and soup mugs to purchase and filled with tasty soup for $35.

The Creative Space needs $20,000 to complete the building by late November. The new building
includes a new larger purpose-built clay shed area, a room for Raglan Lions to sort op shop clothing and on the first floor an additional multipurpose space to cater for meetings, drama, theatre, music, and more.

Raglan Community Arts Council chair Rodger Gallagher says the new building will provide additional capacity to meet Raglan’s growing creative needs.

“Our aim is to have the much-needed new Creative Space building being used in November. To do this we need more money to finish the building. It’s great to see the clay shed members’ Souper Bowl coming up with this fundraiser that makes it easy for all to contribute.”

Head to the Raglan Town Hall supper room on Tuesdays – June 5, 11 and 18 from 5.30-8.30pm for the best homemade soups in town. Soup and bread for $10, kids $5 and $35 to keep the bowl.

The Souper Bowl team are also looking for donations of produce for their soups – contact info@raglanartscentre.co.nz.

Janine Jackson

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