Surf Life Saving patrols begin this Labour Weekend

October 18, 2018

Starting this weekend, Saturday Sunday and Monday.  Ngarunui Beach will be patrolled by your local Raglan Surf Life Saving Club volunteer lifeguards from 11am until 5pm all three days. Come along to your local beach and enjoy the safety of swimming between the flags during these hours. Our Patrol will…

1.  place the flags in the safest place to swim;

2.  have at least two guards on the beach constantly overseeing the flagged area;

3.  have at least two guards up in our Tower watching the whole beach during their half hour roster,   and communicating with the whole patrol team via VHS radio;

4.  have at least two guards ready and waiting for any responses required, which often means talking to people about to enter the ocean in unsafe places about why it is unsafe and what they can best do to stay safe (these are called PREVENTATIVE ACTIONS = PAs);

5.  have at least two guards who are trained IRB (inflatable rescue boat) drivers ready to respond to any PA requirements, rescues or searches.

6.  consist of a team of qualified surf lifeguards of at least 14 years of age and above, lead by the senior guards as Patrol Captain and Patrol Vice-Captain, and also a First Aid Manager.

7.  perform First Aid’s as required by the public  on the beach, utilising the skills learned and practiced  in their Surf Lifeguard training,  with many guards further qualified in First Aid through Level 1, 2 and Pre Hospital Emergency Care (PHEC).

See you on the beach this weekend where we start our six month patrol period of safe swimming on Ngarunui Beach

Expected beach conditions for the beach this labour weekend are as below:

Wave height:
0.9 – 1.1meters

Period between waves
13 – 15 seconds

Water temperature
15 degrees Celcius

Air temperature – 16-17 degrees Celcius with only light winds, and some light rain Sunday morning.

Low tides 8am Saturday to 9.36am Monday

High tides 2.15pm Saturday to 3.44pm Monday  – swimming is generally safest on an incoming tide.


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