Health In Your Hands: Happy 2018

January 11, 2018

It’s certainly been a busy few days. The New Year came in with a bang, starting with the Raglan Lions Parade.

Thank you to the Lions for the work they do throughout the year at the Lions Op Shop which provides funding for such events as the parade.

The weather was perfect, the floats were amazing, and there was a great crowd cheering on the side lines. The festivities continued throughout the evening with a spectacular fireworks display at midnight.

This was followed  next evening by a brighter than  usual night sky as the first full moon of the year (called  a ‘wolf moon’ and this particular one was a  ‘super moon’ as well. The extra bright moon appears bigger because the moon  is closer to the earth (the perigee). This in turn created the king tides that caused the unusually high tides which battered our shores. Coupled with high wind and heavy rain some areas around the coast were flooded. Our thoughts go to those dealing with flood damage. Thank you to the emergency services who helped to get things back to normal and restore power to the region.

After the large influx of summer visitors and the wild weather Raglan is gradually turning back to normal. The first Crop Swap meeting of the year was held at the Bowling Club with heaps  of home grown produce and several new members. Crop Swap meets twice a month on the first and third  Sunday from  9.30am  at the Raglan Bowling Club.

The Knitters Circle continues to meet every Wednesday  morning at Orca Restaurant, while the Saturday Club meets at 9.30am every Saturday at the Raglan Community House.

The Community House re-opens on Monday, January 15, along with the revamped Bargain Basement Opportunity Shop. The rest of the senior groups will begin in February.

The 2018 Raglan Senior Directory is being updated so if there are any new groups or changes to existing groups please contact the Raglan Community  House.        

Pauline Abrahams

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