Health in Your Hands: 21st May 2020 Newsletter

May 21, 2020

There’s an Autumn nip in the air, the price we pay for the beautiful clear blue skies during the day, and lovely warm sunshine. Time to get out the flannelette sheets, electric blankets, and hot water bottles.

My electric blanket brings back special memories as I bought it from the late Patsy Zohs when I helped her prepare for her big move to Hamilton.

It took a long time to sort out the many boxes as we ended up swapping stories initiated by the many treasures Patsy had gathered throughout her 80 years.  I first met the vivacious lady when I joined the Raglan Writers group in 2014 when came I to live in  Raglan.

Raglan Writers Group

Patsy started the Raglan Writers group in 2003,  to try and link up with like-minded people who enjoyed writing short stories and poetry and those aspiring to publish their work. She had belonged to writers groups in Auckland and Cambridge and was a ghostwriter for the famous New Zealand horsewoman Freda White and sometimes wrote for the Raglan Chronicle.  A love of horses was reflected in the stories she shared and her eccentric sense of humour was evident in everything she wrote.

The original group was held at the old school and then moved to the Community House and Pam Bovril took over running the group keeping the ideas flowing under the guidance of Patsy. Gradually the members moved on and had other commitments (many were also artists and needed to fulfill other creative talents).  There were just two of us at the end a wonderful Raglan story writer Dot, an original member, and me, a relative newcomer. Thanks to Patsy’s tenacity and hilarious stories, many will treasure the wonderful happy memories we shared with the Raglan Writers  Group.  No doubt she will still be inspiring would-be writers in her Heavenly Stable in the Sky.

Patsy Zohs passed away a couple of days before her eighty-fifth birthday last month.

Condolences to her family she was a great lady and brought much pleasure to many people here in Raglan.

Already there are many stories emerging from our experiences during lockdown so the over 70s will have plenty to share in the coming weeks as we  (hopefully) move towards level one. Meanwhile, hang in there as we are still in level two and need to be cautious as we extend our bubbles and go shopping for the first time in eight weeks. Keep to safe distancing and hand washing. Now is not the time to be complacent as those with health problems could still be at risk. Until we all meet again, stay safe

Pauline Abrahams     

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