Dear Editor – To the local users of Manu Bay

May 24, 2018

To the local users of Manu Bay

The Point Boardriders would like to extend an apology for the 12 day period that Manu Bay was closed for public use at the end of April and start of May.

As a community-minded club, we have the community’s best intention at heart, but the 12 days straight of contests that occupied Many Bay and its availability for public use did not support this.

Some years ago, the popular interest of Manu Bay as an arena to run local, domestic and international surf competitions was realized, and as a result, the Manu Bay Reserves Committee was formed.

This committee comprises of representatives from local Iwi, District Council and both Boardriders and Fishing Club’s to ensure that events and issues specific to the Manu Bay reserve are dealt with accordingly and fairly.

We acknowledge that the 4 contests that ran for the 12 day period did not support these intentions, and would like it to be noted that this is a result of an event application process and policies being ignored, as well as decisions being made by way of vote.

As daily users of Manu Bay, we acknowledge the frustration of showing up to surf each day and being unable to do so and would like it to be noted that we have taken on the voiced frustration from the community seriously and are addressing it with relevant bodies.

As the respected incorporated society of Raglan’s surfing community, we would like you to know with confidence that we will not let this happen again and will continue to act with best intentions of our surfing community and community as a whole.

Sincerely yours,

Luke Hughes

Raglan Point Boardriders Chair

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