A column connecting with senior citizens in our community.
Remember those who cannot remember
On June 21, the shortest day, we remember those with dementia (memory loss). Although Raglan does not have a dementia support group, the Community Support Group has a preventative programme which looks at ways we can keep our brain functioning to the end of our days, through diet, exercise and healthy living.
Alzheimer’s is the largest dementia group, though there are several other disabilities vulnerable to memory loss, such as strokes (vascular dementia), and Parkinson’s disease. In the past, memory loss was associated with the elderly, but today it is affecting a much younger age group and thought to be caused by a more sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet.
Some people are more susceptible than others
The chemicals in the farming and food chain, herbicides, pesticides, insecticides and additives, as well as chemicals used in the home and industry, may also contribute to dysfunctions in our physical and mental wellbeing. The abuse of recreational drugs and the overuse of pharmaceutical medicines can sometimes lead to hormone imbalances. Modern electrical pollution also affects our own electrical systems. What we eat, touch and breathe affects us physically and mentally. A healthy lifestyle does not only help keep our body fit but also our mind.
The Community Support Group is on Wednesday, June 7, at 11am at Stewart Street Hall. The topic is Sharing Memories and there will be a healthy lunch to follow. The monthly meeting of the Senior Citizens is at the Fire Station on June 8 at 11am. There will be a guest speaker and a lunch.
The Crop Swap is on Sunday, June 5, Queen’s Birthday Weekend, at the Supper Room of the Town Hall. Bring along your surplus produce and winter seedlings.
The Senior Directory 2017 is available from the Community House, the Library, Raglan Club and Lions Op Shop. Thank you to all those who have supported this project keeping our Senior Citizens connected.
Lions International is celebrating 100 years of service his month. Once a male-dominated club in 1980s, some of the groups opted to accept women.
Raglan Lions members and volunteers have a large number of senior citizens who run the Lions Opportunity Shop, a major fundraiser. Thousands of dollars are returned to the local community in the form of grants, while national and international projects are supported in conjunction with Lions Clubs throughout the world
Pauline Abrahams