Health in Your Hands

June 15, 2017

A column connecting with senior citizens in our community.

The Saturday Club, a newly formed informal group, held its first gathering on Queen’s Birthday Weekend. The group plans to meet at the Raglan House every Saturday morning from 10am until 11.30am. All Welcome. Socialising and being involved in the community groups is one way to keep our minds active and support one another.

The Crop Swap on Sunday, June 4, was the first of several monthly meetings and people had fun exchanging surplus produce and seedlings. The Ragan Support group met on Wednseday, June 7, and Senior Citizens met on Thursday, June 8. Both groups have regular speakers followed by a lunch. Over the last year there have been visits from the St John Ambulance, the fire brigade, and Community Patrols (formally Night Owls), plus representatives from Raglan  Community Board and  Raglan Naturally, all reminding us of the work that volunteers do to keep us safe and protect the environment.

On a more personal basis, visits from different experts have given seniors an insight into making wills, organising funerals and  purchasing mobility scooters.  These can be very daunting tasks for elderly people even with the support of friends and family.

Plastic Free July: The Senior Citizens had an interesting talk by Vicky    who is passionate about making Raglan plastic bag free. She told us how local ladies have made hundreds of cloth bags using donated fabric and distributed them throughout the town. If anyone would like to help there are lots of sewing sessions throughout July to be held at the Town Hall Supper Room. Dates are available from Raglan House and the library.

Remember those who cannot remember: June 21 is shortest day and we remember those with memory loss. While there appears to be no known cure for dementia there is a lot we can do to help improve our memory and perhaps prevent the deterioration of our brain cells and connections.     Howard Vickridge from Dementia  Waikato will explain the different types of dementia and what help is available for families coping with memory loss at a meeting at the Stewart Street Hall on Wednesday, July 5, at 10am.

Pauline Abrahams

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