Tarot Talk – Five of Pentacles

February 22, 2018

Hello again from Tarot Talk – a weekly column in which I introduce a Tarot card for the week and provide a little information about it.  I hope you continue to enjoy this space.

This week’s card is the Five of Pentacles.

5 Pentacles

This card can suggest that you have faced or are facing considerable burdens and/or have experienced a financial/resources loss. There is (or has been) a feeling of being shut out or excluded and you have no doubt experienced very real fears about how you were going to manage, especially financially. What we earn gives us status. When that is uncertain, then we feel uncertain.  Maybe you feel disabled (as represented by the figures in the Rider-Waite deck?)  What’s making you feel that way? 

This card can also indicate an element of spiritual impoverishment or the feeling that you have to support someone else at the cost of your own dreams/happiness /comfort.  Sometimes we may find ourselves in a situation where outside forces (social, institution, family, friends etc) can’t help us and we have to face our problems on our own.

The Five of Pentacles tells of a need to lift your gaze, change your focus. You may also find support from others in a similar position and these contacts may become good friends. Consider new options and you may discover another resource that will help you.

More information about this card, and others that I have reviewed, can be found on my Tarot Talk Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/tarottalknz

Tarot readings and tuition are available by appointment. Txt Chrissy on 027 6644261

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