Tarot Talk – Ten of Pentacles

Hello again from Tarot Talk – a weekly column in which I introduce a Tarot card for the week and provide a little information about it.  I hope you continue to enjoy this space.

The Ten of Pentacles is a card that is often associated with financial institutions or family inheritances, trusts etc.

10 Pentacles

It stands for the ultimate in worldly and material success. It is a card of financial protection and secure, solid financial footings. In numerology, ten represents completeness and perfection. The Ten of Pentacles is also concerned with permanence. Change is an unavoidable part of life, but constant change is uncomfortable. We need stability and the chance to enjoy a secure foundation in life.

This card can tell us to concentrate on the long-term – work toward a lasting solution. Pentacles are solid, earthy, heavy, not emotional, inspirational or mental. Pentacles are the essence of the earth, and of manifestation in the “real” world. Shopping, eating, gardening, earning and spending money – the things that happen on the material plane that ground us.

Combining these two ideals then, one can indeed say that Ten of Pentacles is about reaching that comfortable space where goals have been achieved, rewards attained and we have a time to breathe before we start our next adventure.

More information about this card can be found on the Tarot Talk Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/tarottalknz.

Tarot readings and tuition are available by appointment.
Txt Chrissy on 027 6644261

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